Monday, March 24, 2014

Reflective Practitioner Blog 3

Looking at the data set given, I have noticed a few aspects of the study and data that may hinder or affect the credibility of the data.

One thing I noticed the study itself, the context of it to be exact, it talks about the hydration with regards to weight and gender. This alone doesn't give readers the information about the background and aspects of the study, one example would be the type of activity that the participants will be going through and such. Like any other study, a control group would be good to have to compare between results and data.
Another component I noticed is the sample size between the two genders, there is more females and males which in return may affect the results of the study as if the data is used without trimming down equally may result in biasness of the study towards females hence an inaccurate result.

Concentrating more on the table itself, it would be good to have a title to tell readers on the content itself, unit of measurement would do good in comparing of data, use of proper words instead abbreviations would aid in the analysis of the data. As it is more multiple subjects, it would be good to have a case id for each case so that the researcher can identify certain cases.Looking at the data and quick analysis done by using line graphs, I noticed a trend between the differences in the color of the urine with regards to the weight.  Its seems that for the males, as the time goes from the beginning and end of the activity there is a corresponding trend between the weight lost in coherence with the urine color, for instance, male subject 5 has a difference of urine color of -4 which in turns reflect a lost of 3.35, this surely shows the relationship between these two variables.

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